

Try live

You can try your journeys directly on this configuration page.


In order for the journey communication to work (i.e., not trigger CORS errors), make sure that the URL of your webpage is added to the whitelisted URL list of your journey in Dialog Studio.

Setup snippet

1<script defer src=""></script> 2<script> 3 const client = nlxai.multimodal.create({ 4 // hard-coded params 5 apiKey: "REPLACE_WITH_API_KEY", 6 workspaceId: "REPLACE_WITH_WORKSPACE_ID", 7 journeyId: "REPLACE_WITH_JOURNEY_ID", 8 // dynamic params 9 conversationId: "REPLACE_WITH_CONVERSATION_ID", 10 languageCode: "en-US", 11 }); 12 13 client.sendStep("REPLACE_WITH_STEP_ID"); 14</script>