Developer Docs



SDK packages can be installed as follows:

Using script tags

The following packages are available as direct script tags:

1<script defer src=""></script>
  • @nlxai/chat-widget - add a chat widget to your website with only HTML ( Chat Widget will be deprecated in Q1 2025 - use Touchpoint UI for new projects):
1<script defer src=""></script>
1<script defer src=""></script>
1<script defer src=""></script>

Using npm

All packages are available on npm as CommonJS modules. They are written in TypeScript and include comprehensive type definitions.

1# The Touchpoint UI widget 2npm install @nlxai/touchpoint-ui 3 4# The Chat widget - will be deprecated in Q1 2025 - use Touchpoint UI for new projects. 5npm install @nlxai/chat-widget 6 7# React hooks, along with peer dependencies 8npm install @nlxai/chat-react react react-dom 9 10# Preact hooks, along with peer dependencies 11npm install @nlxai/chat-preact preact 12 13# Core chat SDK 14npm install @nlxai/chat-core 15 16# Voice+ 17npm install @nlxai/voice-plus-core