Touchpoint components
Touchpoint provides built-in icons that integrate with buttons and custom components. Each icon maintains consistent styling and accessibility features.
Icon Properties
Each icon accepts these properties:
Property | Type | Description |
size | number | Icon size in pixels (default: 24) |
color | string | Icon color (inherits from parent) |
className | string | Additional CSS classes |
Import and Basic Usage
You can import the Icons from touchpoint once the package has been installed or made available in your project.
The following examples use the Icons available from Touchpoint to construct an IconButton.
Example IconButton using the Icons from Touchpoint
1import { useTouchpointContext, IconButton, Icons } from "@nlxai/touchpoint-ui"; 2const IconButtonExample = ({ data, conversationHandler }) => { 3 return ( 4 <IconButton 5 label={data.buttonLabel} 6 Icon={Icons.ArrowForward} 7 onClick={() => conversationHandler.sendChoice(data.buttonId)} 8 type="main" 9 /> 10 ); 11};
Available Icons
- Action
- Assistant
- AssistantOld
- Add
- ArrowDown
- ArrowLeft
- ArrowRight
- ArrowUp
- ArrowForward
- Attachment
- Camera
- Check
- Close
- Copy
- Date
- Delete
- Escalate
- Error
- FullScreen
- Mic
- MicOff
- Location
- Volume
- VolumeOff
- Translate
- OpenInNew
- Play
- Preview
- Reorder
- Restart
- Settings
- Search
- Share
- Warning
- ThumbDown
- ThumbUp
- Time
- Undo
- Refresh
- Help